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Kann ich ein Produkt kaufen, das meine Immunität stärkt?

Es gibt mehrere Produkte auf dem Markt, die angeblich die Immunität stärken. Allerdings ist es wichtig zu wissen, dass die Wirksamkeit vieler dieser Produkte nicht immer wissenschaftlich belegt ist.

Vitamin C is known for its role in immune function. It is an antioxidant and helps in the production and function of white blood cells. Vitamin D is crucial for activating the immune response. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of infections. Zinc is important for the normal development and function of cells involved in the immune response. A normal diet contains sufficient zinc and vitamins C and D so that supplements do not have an additional effect on immunity.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial for intestinal health, which in turn can influence immune function. Some studies suggest that probiotics can reduce the incidence of respiratory infections, but this effect is only short-lived and not clinically relevant. Echinacea is often used to prevent or treat colds and other infections. Most results from methodologically sound studies show no significant effect.

A healthy lifestyle is especially crucial for a strong immune system. This includes a balanced diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and stress management.

Quelle: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-Consumer/

Quelle: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/should-you-take-probiotics

Autor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Neuestes Update: 2024-07-15 - Urheberrechte: Clinifacts 2025

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• Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey
• E-mail: dirk.devroey@vub.be

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