Does a face shield protect against COVID-19 as well as a mouth mask?
A face shield does not provide the same level of protection against COVID-19 as a face mask. While a face shield can provide some protection, there are important differences in how effective they are at preventing the spread of the virus.
Face shields provide a physical barrier that helps block droplets that may contain the virus, but they do not fully protect the wearer because they have open sides and an open bottom. This means that air and droplets can enter and escape from all sides.
In particular, masks with multiple layers and a good fit, such as N95 masks or surgical masks, provide significant protection by filtering air and droplets, and by protecting the wearer and the environment.
So it is best to wear a face mask for the greatest protection against COVID-19, with a face shield as an additional measure if needed.
Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2022-12-09 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025