Do aloe vera creams work against mosquito bites?
Creams with aloe vera can provide a soothing effect on mosquito bites. This also applies to creams with menthol and calendula. Each of these ingredients has properties that can help relieve itching, swelling and redness.
Aloe vera has a natural cooling effect that can soothe the itching and irritation of a mosquito bite. However, the anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera are often insufficient to reduce swelling and redness.
Menthol also provides a cooling sensation on the skin. Calendula (marigold) is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, but not enough to make a difference with a regular moisturizing cream.
Many creams contain a combination of these ingredients, which can provide a synergistic effect and better symptom relief.
The creams with aloe vera, menthol and calendula provide a cooling effect without cooling you down. And cooling down with, for example, a cold compress is still the most efficient. The anti-inflammatory effect of these ingredients does not outweigh the effect of creams containing cortisone.
Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2024-07-15 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025