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Is exercising safe with mild symptoms of COVID-19?

In general, it is indicated that you can exercise if you have no symptoms of Corona. But since corona can also occur without symptoms, intense exercise and long-term exercise are discouraged, even for people who have no complaints.

If you have complaints of corona, even if they are mild, it is clear that exercise is not recommended. In that case, it is also recommended to stay indoors and go into quarantine to prevent infecting other people.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-new/updated-respiratory-virus-guidance.html

Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2022-12-01 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025

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• Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey
• E-mail: dirk.devroey@vub.be

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