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Does Echinacea help against COVID-19?

For years, some have claimed that the aerial parts of Echinacea purpurea have an immunostimulating effect.

By reducing inflammatory proteins (TNF-α and IL-1β) Echinacea purpurea would strengthen the immune system. They also claim that this would improve resistance to viral infections. The antiviral effect has been demonstrated against Rhinovirus, Influenza A/B, RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus), coronaviruses and Para Influenza.

Echinacea has never been proven to prevent infection with the above viruses. The reference to coronaviruses is even misleading because there are many coronaviruses. Most coronaviruses cause common colds. The current COVID-19 virus is also a coronavirus, but a very dangerous variant. Echinacea has certainly never proven that it has any effect against COVID-19.

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2018/5813095

Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2022-12-09 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025

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• Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey
• E-mail: dirk.devroey@vub.be

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