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Every year, around 2,000 people underwent euthanasia in Belgium. What actually is euthanasia and who is eligible for it?

In Belgium, any adult with unbearable psychological or physical suffering as a result of an irreversible, incurable disease can receive euthanasia. This is only possible after a repeated personal request from the patient himself. If the patient were to die from the disease in the foreseeable future, the advice of a second independent doctor should be sought.

If the patient would not die within the foreseeable future, the advice of a third doctor must also be sought and a month must be waited between the request and euthanasia. In the first case, this waiting period is not necessary. Minors can also receive euthanasia if their parents agree. However, euthanasia is only possible for physical illnesses.

One can also record one's choice for euthanasia in a living will in case one ends up in an irreversible coma. Your GP can help you with questions about euthanasia.

Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 0000-00-00 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025

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• Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey
• E-mail: dirk.devroey@vub.be

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