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What are the principles of biopuncture?

Biopuncture is a form of complementary medicine in which small amounts of natural, usually herbal or homeopathic, substances are injected into specific points on the body, such as trigger points, acupuncture points or other painful areas.

In biopuncture, only natural, mostly biodegradable substances are used, such as plant extracts and homeopathic remedies. Well-known remedies are Traumeel (for inflammation and pain) and Zeel (for osteoarthritis and joint problems).

The substances are injected into certain points of the body that are related to the patient's complaints. This can be in the muscles, joints, skin or directly in painful areas. Sometimes acupuncture points are also used, hence the name "biopuncture".

The theory behind biopuncture is that the injected substances give a mild stimulus to the immune system and thus stimulate the body's self-healing capacity.

Biopuncture is often used to treat various conditions, including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and joint pain. It is also used for sports injuries such as sprains, muscle and tendonitis, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and bursitis, and allergies such as hay fever and skin conditions such as eczema and acne.

Biopuncture, like other forms of homeopathy and alternative medicine, has been criticized for its lack of scientific support. Critics point out that there is no strong clinical evidence to show that biopuncture is more effective than placebo.

Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2024-08-12 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025

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• Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey
• E-mail: dirk.devroey@vub.be

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