How does the VEGA test work?
Some doctors but also naturopaths rely on bioresonance to make diagnoses. They then use, for example, the VEGA test.
The VEGA test belongs to the bioresonance tests and is closely related to the MORA and the BICOM test.
The vega test, or vegetative reflex test (VRT), was developed by Dr. Schimmel in the 1970s.
Resistance measurements and also so-called filter ampoules are used. The latter consist of certain homeopathic preparations.
First, the conductivity of an acupuncture point is measured with the VEGA test, and then it is tested whether that value can be influenced by placing a homeopathic remedy in the so-called measuring circuit.
We now know that these measurements cannot be reproduced and have no medical value.
Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2022-12-09 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025