What causes cauliflower ears?
Cauliflower ear is caused by repetitive trauma or injury to the ear, usually from impact, pressure, or friction. This type of injury is common in contact and combat sports such as wrestling, boxing, rugby, and mixed martial arts.
When the ear is repeatedly exposed to impact or pressure, damage can occur to the cartilage and surrounding tissue. This leads to rupture of the blood vessels between the skin and the cartilage. The trauma causes a pool of blood (hematoma) to form between the skin and the cartilage of the ear. If not treated promptly, the bleeding can lead to swelling and deformity of the ear.
Left untreated, the pooling blood can clot and stiffen the cartilage, resulting in scarring. This leads to the characteristic bumpy and deformed appearance of the ear, which is referred to as cauliflower ear. If the bleeding is drained promptly by a doctor, further damage can be prevented and the ear can recover without permanent deformity.
Wearing head and ear protectors during risky activities can help prevent cauliflower ear. In severe cases, plastic surgery may be necessary to correct the shape of the ear.
Cauliflower ear is primarily caused by repeated trauma to the ear, which causes blood pooling and deformation of the cartilage. The problem is most common in people who participate in contact or combat sports. Prompt treatment and preventive measures are essential to prevent permanent deformity.
Source: https://www.amerikanhastanesi.org/mayo-clinic-care-network/mayo-clinic-health-information-library/definitions/cauliflower-ear
Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2022-12-09 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025