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How can you treat age warts?

Seborrheic keratoses are benign skin growths that often occur in older people. Although they are harmless, they can be cosmetically disturbing. There are several ways to deal with them, depending on your preference and whether they require medical attention.

Age warts can be treated with liquid nitrogen. The wart is frozen, which causes it to disappear over time. A doctor can scrape the wart away with a small instrument under local anesthesia.

Sometimes this is combined with electrocoagulation (burning the base of the wart). In this method, an electrically charged needle is used to burn the wart. This is often combined with curettage.

A laser can be used to vaporize the wart. This method is often suitable for cosmetically sensitive areas, such as the face. Some doctors may use a chemical solution to remove the top layer of skin including the wart. This is less common than other methods.

Age warts cannot be effectively treated at home because they are different from regular warts. It is not recommended to try to remove them yourself, as this can cause skin damage. If the wart changes in size, color, or shape, it is important to see a doctor to rule out skin cancer. Dermatologists can assess which treatment is best.

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddg.14984

Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2024-09-08 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025

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• Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey
• E-mail: dirk.devroey@vub.be

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