What is werewolf syndrome and how do you get it?
Werewolf syndrome, officially known as hypertrichosis, is a rare condition characterized by excessive hair growth on the body, including in areas where little or no hair normally grows. This hair can be thin or thick, dark and long, resembling the appearance associated with mythical werewolves.
Congenital hypertrichosis is hereditary and present from birth. It is caused by genetic mutations that lead to excessive hair growth. It can be associated with syndromes such as Ambras syndrome.
Acquired hypertrichosis develops later in life and can be caused by medications such as minoxidil or cyclosporine. Conditions such as hormonal imbalance, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, or cancer can also cause the condition. External factors such as excessive stimulation of hair follicles, such as with certain cosmetic treatments, can also cause hypertrichosis.
Hypertrichosis usually cannot be completely cured, but symptoms can be managed with laser hair removal or electrolysis to permanently reduce hair growth. If the condition is caused by medications, the medication can be adjusted.
Although it can be a cosmetically and socially challenging condition, it is important to recognize that hypertrichosis is not a dangerous medical condition. Consult a doctor or dermatologist for a personalized approach.
Source: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/wound.2015.0642
Author: Prof. Dr. Dirk Devroey - Latest update: 2024-12-04 - Copyright: Clinifacts 2025